English page of Monique Janssens

Monique Janssens is an ethics consultant, teacher, workshop leader, author and researcher, specialised in ethics and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). She works for several organisations in the field of ethics and CSR in the Netherlands.

Core values

Ethisch Bedrijf wants to create a world in which every living being can live according to his or her natural behaviour and preferences.

  • Integrity: Ethisch Bedrijf will always aim for the morally good.
  • Clarity: Ethisch Bedrijf thinks that clear communication can support the morally good and empowers people to create well-being for themselves and others.
  • Well-being: we want to create a world in which every living being can live according to his or her natural behaviour and preferences.


We aim for a society in which there is well-being for humans and animals both. It stimulates companies and organisations that are open to CSR and take ethics seriously. We help your company to do this in a way that fits your corporate ethical values.

What we do

Many companies are eager to integrate CSR in their corporate policy, but don’t know where to start, or have difficulties making choices. Which investments are necessary? How to prioritize? How to make ethical choices? What fits our brand? How do we organize online customer care?

If you start from the ethical values within the company, you will experience that your CSR choices will receive internal and external appreciation and support. Self-conscious communication about these choices will come naturally and will support your corporate identity and your external brand.

Ethisch Bedrijf can help you identify your ethical values en translate them to CSR-choices and internal en external communication. We also offer customised consultancy, presentations, workshops, meetings and programmes on ethical topics. Let us know what you need!

Corporate Commitment to ANimals (CAN)

In 2016 we made a video about corporate responsibility towards animals that is still relevant. Please remark that the website mentioned at the end of the video is not live anymore. Instead, it’s this website. You’re already there!

Who worked with Ethisch Bedrijf

  • AAP
  • Advisory Committee Animal Issues of the City of Utrecht
  • Animal Welfare Body Utrecht
  • Gooi’s Nature Reserve
  • CAS International
  • Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals
  • NIOW Advice and Training
  • MNO Vervat
  • NMCX Centre for Sustainability
  • Stichting Natuurbeelden (Moving Images of Nature)
  • SURF
  • Utrecht University Ethics Institute
  • World Animal Protection
  • and many Dutch municipalities

Author and creator

Performances, workshops and training courses

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality 2023: lecture Dierenzaken, blinde vlek van bedrijven
  • Dierenbescherming 2022: lecture Dierenzaken, blinde vlek van bedrijven
  • Congress FELASA 2022: lecture Introduction to the ethics of rehoming laboratory animals
  • Congress FELASA 2022: workshop Communicatie better
  • Congress FELASA 2022: lecture Round Tables on the transition towards Non-Animal Methods, met prof. Daniela Salvatori
  • Congress FELASA 2022: lecture Connecting parties for a responsible stance towards animals
  • Congress EURSAFE 2021, online: Animal Business, An Ethical Exploration of Corporate Responsibility Towards Animals
  • Webinar RSPCA/EFPIA The Animal Welfare Body – a catalyst for progress, 2021: Rehoming rodents, Yes, we can!
  • Maastricht University symposium Relay 2021, online: Animal Business and the Green Deal
  • Wageningen University symposium Polderdieren 2020, online: presentation Animal Business, Corporate responsibility towards animals
  • EACAS (European Association for Critical Animal Studies) 2019 congress, Barcelona: presentation Animal Business, The responsibility of companies towards animals
  • Study Association Hygieia 2019, Utrecht: presentation The Ethics of Animal Welfare labels (Beter Leven Keurmerk)
  • Utrecht University 2018: Training Moral Courage for veterinary students (pilot)
  • EURSAFE (European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics) 2018: Professionals in the food chain: presentatie Connecting parties for change
  • Communicatiewinkel 18 September 2017: presentation To an ethical organization with communication as an instrument
  • Happy Planet Professionals 21 September 2017: presentation In 10 steps to a super-ethical company
  • Jaarsymposium 2017 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bio-ethiek, Utrecht: co-referate One Wellbeing in reaction on pré-advice One Health by dr. Franck Meijboom, Universiteit Utrecht
  • EURSAFE 2016 conference Food futures: ethics, science & culture, Porto: presentation Drivers for animal ethics in the food industry
  • Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics 2016 Summer School The ethics of eating animals: presentation Drivers for animal ethics in the food industry
  • TekstNet: training course Ethics for copywriters
  • Partij voor de Dieren Zeeland: lecture Ethics
  • Communicatiewinkel: training course Ethics for communication consultants
  • Communicatiewinkel: presentation Communication and Ethics, a career
  • Hogeschool Utrecht: guest lecture Animal Ethics